A Daydream of Hollywood Studios
Entering Hollywood Studios, you are greeted by red flags flying and palm trees blowing in the breeze, seemingly dancing to the swingy, upbeat instrumental big-band music (a la "In the Mood") being piped through the megaphone speakers. Mickey looms above, standing on top of a silver spinning globe, above the Streamline Moderne, 50s-esque aqua blue and white structure that serves as the park gates. Like a swooping, wide-angle opening of a movie, it certainly sets the scene and gets you in the mood, like the song says! Carnation-pink, salmon, and sea-green art deco buildings line the streets, along with more palm trees and vintage forest-green lampposts, with some benches and neon signage along the way. A pristine replica of Grauman's Chinese Theater sits ahead at the end of the long strip, almost like an uncanny mirage. It's sunny and hot. Because it feels like LA, it also feels like a beach or an ocean should be nearby. We're grateful for the breeze. An old, weir...